Monday, July 08, 2013

Canadians in New American Writing

Very pleased to have four poems included in the current issue of New American Writing in a special section entitled "Ten Canadian Poets." The four pieces are from Etc Phrases, part of my long ekphrasic translation of bpNichol's "Allegories". And I'm happy to be in such great company--the Canadian poets include Andy Weaver, Nicole Markotic, Rob Budde, Margaret Christakos, Jon Paul Fiorentino and more. Thanks to rob mclennan for putting the section together, as well as to the editors of the journal, Paul Hoover and Maxine Chernoff. Some of rob's thoughts on compiling the section can be found here.


emily chan said...


Now, the voices of Canadian poets can be heard over the American border.

Crossing in Art is always a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

CongraDs mueleleleellelelelel - the traips are set! ripensnap - WOOOOOEF WOOUF! - mikekiekkeim